Do you have your loan approved?
Will you enjoy living in the neighbourhood?
Is the house sound?
Is it in an area likely to hold resale value or benefit from capital growth?
Are there any long-term costs or issues such as body corporate fees, jointly owned driveways?
Is it Torrens Title, Company Title, Strata Title, or some other? Ask your solicitor to advise on the Title.
Does the entire house, including alterations, have the required Council permits?
Is it insulated?
Have you asked your local council about planning issues like the possibility of any big developments planned or construction of new roads nearby?
If big changes are needed to make the property comfortable, then it's a good idea to know the costs before you make an offer
Is the house and land suitable for your stage in life - are there too many stairs, is the garden too steep?
Then think about the detail:
Does the house have enough bedrooms?
Are there enough bathrooms?
Will you have good access to the facilities you need such as schools, doctor, medical centres and shops?
Will you have problems with traffic or noise?
Is it safe for your family, eg children, the elderly or disabled?
Check under the house - is it dry?